Making life easier now

  • Overview of the Surrogacy Process part 3

    Surrogacy Qualifications Most surrogacy agencies and fertility clinics require surrogates to meet the following general qualifications : a. Be in good physical and mental health;b. Have carried and delivered at least one child;c. Have had pregnancies that were all free of complications and were full-term;d. Be less than 43 years of age (some clinics… Читати далі

  • Overview of the Surrogacy Process part 2

    Finding a Surrogate Sometimes a family member or friend offers to be a surrogate. This can greatly reduce the cost of surrogacy. However, because not everyone knows a woman in a position to volunteer to be a surrogate, most people find a surrogate through other means. There are many full-service agencies/firms that will match intended… Читати далі

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